Our Primary Education Offer
Our workshops offer a range of effective strategies that respond to the strengths of the pupils. Our workshops support the creation of original innovative ideas for performance by scaffolding task led exercise’s, which aim to develop children and young people’s creative and performance skills.

PPA Cover
Our workshops can be themed to work alongside class topics and can cover either half or full day, which can work as an affordable alternative to PPA cover. PPA cover will be covered by a qualified primary school teacher with specialised experience in delvering creative arts workshops.
£100.00 Half Day
£250.00 Full Day
Dance Workshop
Our movement and dance workshops will allow your participants to work alongside a professional dance artist, whether its devising choreography for a community events or just simply gaining new movement skills. Our artists draw on participants natural abilities by encouraging potential, nurturing inventiveness and building physical confidence as movement vocabulary develops.
Set repetoire
Our set repertoire allows pupils to strive for excellence and innovation by building on their physical, social and Intellectual development by responding to tasks, being authentic to the intention/theme and interacting with others through movement and dance. Our set repertoire enables pupils to personally progress and develop belonging and ownership to the choreography by empowering the young people and ensuring they are having a positive and inclusive experience.
"Set repertoire is ideal for schools wanting a small projects with a performance outcome"
Themed Workshop
Allows pupils to strive for excellence and innovation by building physical, social and intellectual development by responding to tasks, being authentic to the intention/theme and interacting with others through movement and dance.

Reevy Hill Primary School
Drumming Workshop
Yorkshire Academy of Creative Arts collaborates with Moseke Music to deliver high quality drumming workshops.
Drumming workshops specifically focus on the following:
Development of participants creative, social and communication skills.
Stimulates concentration in children and young people.
raises self-confidence in children and young people.
Improves mental and psychological well-being of participants.
Improves intercultural developmet in children and young people
promotes creativity and allows children and young people to have a voice.